Staying Grounded- A Library Project Update

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To get the ground ready for our future library and headquarter, in April, the Collective for Orphan Care and Education (COCE) hired local day laborers to fence off the property’s perimeter. This work – clearing out trees, roots, removing ant hills, and digging holes for posts – was done by hand and took 3 weeks to complete. The final part of this effort included planting vegetation that will grow into a natural border for the property. Mission accomplished! Or…was it? At COCE, we have learned that done doesn’t always mean complete and with any project, flexibility is key!


In Kenya the rainy seasons occur in April and May. However, this May had torrential rains beyond the typical rainy season. The rains and run-off threatened to carry away both the fence and the newly planted vegetation around it. Thankfully, Denis, our engineering university student who is home on break recognized this issue and quickly acted to engage local day laborers to dig a large trench that funneled the water away from the fencing. To give you a better idea of how significant the rains were the trench is over 3 feet deep to accommodate the amount of rain!

Here at COCE we are very thankful for the donors and staff who make it possible for us to respond to emergencies like these. We are especially grateful that we have contacts that live in country who can assist us with project and community needs to further our goal of educational access for all children in Busia County, Kenya.