Study Abroad with COCE Kenya

At the Collective for Orphan Care and Education, we are excited to announce that we are only months away from hosting our first group of study-abroad students from the University of Texas at Arlington. This summer, a group of students will join us in Busia County, Kenya for a 3-week immersive cultural experience under the expert guidance of UTA professors and COCE Kenya staff. 


Before arriving in Kenya, students will learn about contemporary Kenyan culture and history and gain an understanding of present-day Kenyan life. Topics covered in the course include education, government structures, healthcare delivery, and more. Once they arrive, we will guide them through interactions with local political officials, merchants, and community members. In line with our mission to increase access to education, our study abroad students will participate as tutors and mentors for the students in nearby schools. Weekend excursions throughout western Kenya will provide students with a greater understanding of the vibrant, beautiful country that COCE Kenya serves.


At COCE Kenya, we are thrilled to host this group of bright, young minds. As we look forward to this opportunity. we are hopeful it will unite students from UT Arlington and Busia County, Kenya as part of a global community. 

Learn more about UTA Study Abroad in Kenya in partnership with COCE Kenya: