Updates on a Space for Opportunity, Access, and Creativity
A picture depicting gray foundation at a construction site. The text: Check-in with COCE Kenya overlaid on top of the photograph.
A picture containing a person carrying a stone brick, preparing to throw it into a large blue truck filled with stone bricks.
We have been working steadily on the library building since March. Despite being hampered by rain and product pricing, we have made a lot of progress. Currently, we have the cement foundation fully laid and have begun building the walls.
With the help of our partners and your donations, we have been able to make it this far in the construction of our community library. We hope you will continue with us on this journey as part of our collective. After all, we can achieve more as a community than one agency or person could ever hope to achieve alone.
Photo of a person placing a brick onto another brick topped with wet concrete to create a wall.
For more information about the library project and how to contribute to its development: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/communitylibrary/.
If you want to know more about the role of libraries in community development, here are the articles referenced:
1. knls Kibera Community Library. Library in Kibera, Africa’s Largest Informal Settlement, Improves Access to Education. Library Map of the World. Published July 31, 2018. Accessed June 22, 2023. https://librarymap.ifla.org/stories/Kenya/LIBRARY-IN-KIBERA,-AFRICA%E2%80%99S-LARGEST-INFORMAL-SETTLEMENT,-IMPROVES-ACCESS-TO-EDUCATION/123?utm_content=buffer19a3a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer.
2. Lynch R, Young JC, Jowaisas C, Boakye-Achampong S, Sam J. African libraries in development: Perceptions and possibilities. Int Info & Lib Rev. 2021;53(4):277-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/10572317.2020.1840002.
Some additional resources:
Alex-Nmecha JC, Horsfall MN. Reading Culture, Benefits, and the Role of libraries in the 21st century. Library philosophy and practice. 2019:1-11. link.gale.com/apps/doc/A622150338/AONE?u=anon~599cedec&sid=googleScholar&xid=4ef85025.
Pateman J, Williment K. Developing Community-Led Public Libraries: Evidence from the UK and Canada. Routledge; 2016.